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The Kiss of Judas

The Kiss of Judas

Acrylic on wood
15.5 x 6 x 6.5”

After the Last Supper, where Jesus instituted
the Eucharist, He prayed at the Garden of
Gethsemane. Soldiers arrive at night to arrest
Jesus. Judas, one of the Twelve Apostles,
identified Jesus to the authorities by greeting
Him with a kiss, thereby betraying Jesus,
leading to His arrest and subsequent crucifixion.

In Catholic liturgy, the bread and wine become the Real Presence – the Body and Blood of Christ. Yet, to the non-Catholic observer, it might remain a symbol of Christ’s body, but not actually such. Or to the non-Christian – it remains merely a piece of bread and a cup of wine. To recognize God in the Eucharist requires a certain capacity to see. Ernst Gombrich discusses parallelism. Parallelism is where one sees either the design or the mimetic content one at a time and not simultaneously. Here, if you look closely, you can see two faces in profile in the negative space on the sides of the chalice. Parallelism is where you can either see the faces or you can see the chalice. You can’t necessarily see both simultaneously. Seeing the Eucharist, perhaps, is like a type of parallelism. You can see it as a piece of bread or the Eucharist. Additionally, how can one see Judas’s betrayal of Jesus in the Eucharistic celebration? How do both betrayal and celebration go together? From a betrayal emerges something that heals.

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